Play Picks – Kierstyn’s Weekly Movie/ TV Show Recommendation: American Nightmare

When leading into the weekend, a good show/movie recommendation to keep in your back pocket is important! Soak up being able to sit back, relax and have some YOU time.

 If you know me,  you know that I love a good documentary/docuseries of any kind. I’ve been hearing a lot of talk about a new one that just hit Netflix, so I had to give it a go! It’s called, American Nightmare.

It’s about a couple, Denise Huskins and Aaron Quinn, they were attacked in 2015. They experienced a home invasion, Denise was kidnapped, and Aaron became the main suspect.  They were accused of staging the situation when Denise reappears. This all happened a year after the movie Gone Girl came out, investigators thought it sounded very similar to the movie and too crazy to be real life.

The couple is finally able to tell their story, in their own words. There are 3 episodes, and each one takes the craziest turns I’ve ever seen in my entire life. My heart breaks for Denise, and this couple. She is so strong and fought hard through everything that was thrown her way.

If you’re looking for a good true crime documentary/docuseries, I can‘t recommend this one more. It’s called American Nightmare, it’s on Netflix. 

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