What Women ACTUALLY Want In Their Stocking

If you are reading this – odds are a woman in your life has sent you this link. We don’t want random JUNK in our stocking, we want things we ACTUALLY USE not just silly little trinkets. Here is the perfect list of options for you to choose from. Happy shopping! (and don’t forget to use your points card)

Chocolate. What is their favourite bar or local spot? Is it purdy’s? Is it a simple toblerone? If you don’t know the answer – start asking the questions casually in conversation. Put one of those in there.

Facial masks – these can be purchased at Sephora. Get someone there to help you. Another great spot to grab good ones are the beauty sections in T&T Market. So many different options in there. Grab different ones!

Bath Bombs. These can be purchased from amazing local businesses that sell them. Some examples of spots to check out are Lush or Rocky Mountain Soap Company! You can even search #yegbathbombs and maybe you’ll find a small business you can support.

Coffee gift cards. What is her favourite coffee spot? $25 to there goes a long way.

Sephora gift card. Simple. Efficient.

See what face cream they use and order them another one. A fresh container is ALWAYS a bonus. Especially when you know they’ll actually use it.

Pimple Patches (for when the toblerone makes her break out lol) There are some fun colourful ones on amazon. Look them up!

Reading socks from chapters or really anything from there. A gift card works, too.

Mike’s Honey Hot sauce on Amazon. So good on pizza!

Mimi Med-seccessories pill box Pill bottles. If your girl takes vitamins daily, this is a beautiful box for her to organize them in.

Scratch and win tickets or lottery tickets  

Car air freshers – there are some essential oil ones that are way better as far as toxicity goes. A great local business that sells these is www.adessecandleco.com (they also have amazing VIBE body sprays and candles!!!)



What chapstick does she like? Get her more. She will lose them. Burt’s Bees is a fantastic choice.

NEW PAJAMAS!! Some great spots to get some: Aeries, La Vie En Rose, Cloud Nine in Windermere, The Gap.

Where does she get her pedicures? Get her a GC to that. Where is her hair salon? Same thing. ASK QUESTIONS.

Is she low on any makeup? Refill it for her.

What else should be added to this?

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