Preliminary reports from SGI indicate 87 deaths on Saskatchewan roads in 2020

Early indicators are showing 2020 was the second-best year on Saskatchewan’s roads when it comes to road fatalities in the last 60 years.

SGI is indicating 87 people died on Saskatchewan’s roads and highways in 2020, which is well below the 10 year average of 131.5. It’s second only to 2019’s mark of 71.

Photo Courtesy: SGI

SGI Minister Don Morgan says the historical decrease can be contributed to the work advocates have done in recent years.

“The Van de Vorst family (and) the Stevenson family who have come forth, they’ve done commercials, they’ve gone out to roadside check-stops to thank people who are driving safely, and they put a face and a voice to families that have lost a loved one or loved ones,” Morgan said. “We thank those people for what they’ve done and we thank the police for what they’ve done.”

However, the Crown Corporation says more can be done to prevent injuries and death on the road.

Morgan says SGI will continue to hammer home the message to those who drive impaired or distracted until it sinks in.

“You’ll probably remember 25 years ago, people thought seat belts didn’t work, they were unnecessary, now seat belts are a fact of life, nobody argues with them anymore,” Morgan said. “We want to have the same reaction to cell phones and impaired driving; those are just things you don’t do.”

Morgan says each death is a person leaving family and friends behind, and almost every death on Saskatchewan’s roads can be prevented.

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