Six new deaths and 309 new cases of COVID-19 in Saskatchewan

Six more people in Saskatchewan have died as a result of COVID-19 bringing the provincial total to 225.  Five of the new deaths are people aged 80 plus with two coming from Regina, two from the southeast and one from Saskatoon.  The other was a person in their 60’s from the west-central zone

There are also 309 new cases to report bringing the seven-day daily average to 300 or 24.7 new cases per 100,000 population.  The new cases are located in the Far North West (25), Far North Central (16), Far North East (18), North West (29), North Central (30), North East (10), Saskatoon (69), Central West (3), Central East (19), Regina (43), South West (3) and South East (19) zones, while 25 new cases have pending residence information.


207 people are in hospital. Of those 207, 45 are in Regina getting inpatient care and eight are in intensive care. In all, 31 of the 207 in hospital are in intensive care.

The government is also updating its methodology when it comes to recoveries.

The Ministry of Health and Saskatchewan Health Authority continue to ensure that public reporting of COVID-19 cases reflects current, active case counts including those who require hospital care.  Currently, the reporting database is being updated to reconcile a significant backlog in the number of recoveries and these will be reflected in the daily case statistics over the coming days.  Reporting procedures will be amended to ensure such reconciliations are not required going forward.  The data reconciliation includes updates to active cases in the following areas:

  • 21 days past their test positive date or date when their symptoms first appeared  – approximately 588 cases
  • 15-20 days past their test positive date or date when their symptoms first appeared  – approximately 567 cases
  • 11-14 days past their test positive date or date when their symptoms first appeared  – approximately 882 cases

When it comes to vaccines, the province says 1.957 doses were administered Monday meaning 24,575 doses have been handed out.

The doses were administered in the following zones: Regina (401), Saskatoon (688), North Central (36), North West (132), Far North East (200), Central East (117) and South East (383).

Another shipment of 2,925 doses of Pfizer vaccine will be arriving in Saskatchewan this week. This shipment will be divided between the Regina, Fort Qu’Appelle and North Battleford areas and used to continue vaccinating priority populations.


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