SGI says half of all traffic accidents happen in intersections, even though they are only a fraction of the total kilometers of road in Saskatchewan. January’s traffic safety spotlight is on intersections to highlight the rules and keep everyone safe.
Chief Operating Officer of the Auto fund, Penny McCune, says on average, just over 2,500 people are injured and 31 are killed at intersections each year. Infractions like disobeying stop signs which includes rolling through a stop sign, improper turns, and failing to yield the right of way could cost you a $230 fine.
SGI’s tips include not waiting to the last minute to change lanes, signaling in advance of turning, giving the road your full attention, expecting the unexpected and giving other drivers room by making sure not to tailgate or rush through a yellow light at the last moment.
A second focus this month is rail safety. Railway crossings are another type of intersection that drivers may come across but the big difference is that trains always have the right of way and can take more than a kilometer to come to a complete stop. On average, there are 16 train-vehicle collisions each year, nine injuries and two deaths.
SGI’s tips include never tying to race through a crossing before a train arrives, exercise caution even if you don’t see a train approaching and never be in a position where you are stopped on the tracks.
If traffic is backed up, make sure is room to fully cross before proceeding.