CAA Saskatchewan looking for Saskatchewan’s 10 worst roads

Starting today Saskatchewan residents can nominate the worst roads in the province as part of a campaign by CAA.

This is the 11th year of the program, in the past the focus has been on drivers, but this year everyone from transit riders, joggers, pedestrians, cyclists and motorists are all being asked to participate.

CAA’s director of communications Christine Niemczyk says this campaign helps bring awareness to roads that are unsafe and has generated success stories for road repair in the past.

“We know that some of the roads that made it to our top 10 in previous years, some of them have received some TLC and been resurfaced. Highway 33 is one of them.”

While the decision to repair or whether to conduct certain work on these roads is left up to the governments, the purpose of the campaign is to spark a conversation and let decision makers and let the government know of dangerous roads that drivers may be facing says Niemczyk.

Unsafe road conditions can vary from potholes, to crumbling pavement, or unsafe infrastructure such as inadequate signage or a lack of sidewalks for pedestrians.

A roving worst roads reporter will be covering various roads from across the province that have been designated in the top 10 worst roads over previous years.

You can report your submission for Saskatchewan’s worst roads at

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