Melting snow can lead to flooding – here’s how to avoid it

The sound of dripping water strikes fear in the hearts of homeowners but it is something that can be avoided.

Mike Payne with Restorex disaster restoration  Regina shared some essential practices for avoiding a costly repair bill this spring.

“We are starting to see calls come in with the temperature changes and snow melting. Typically it starts melting on the roof, and if people have not cleared 3-4 feet leading into the eave troughs they may see water leaking into their homes.”

Payne says it is critical to move snow not only off the roof but away from around the foundation of the home. ” I spent all day this weekend on Saturday clearing snow around my own home, trying to get the snow away from my foundation so it flows onto the street away from my yard”.

Water direction coming away from the home is important, downspouts should be directed to flow away from your property.

Water seepage could potentially cost upwards of $10,000 if a home owner experiences it. Checking with SGI to better understand your individual coverage is critical.

Before water becomes an issue – a little bit of proactive measure should be taken. “Number 1 – remove snow from your foundation, number 2 – get snow off your roof! Don’t go on your roof – get a roof rake and clear 2-3 feet so the water coming of the melt can flow naturally and not affect your shingles”

Helping in the neighborhood is also critical, given the higher than average amount of snow we’ve received. “The city tries to get out with steam machines to get areas cleared around drains – but remember it is your home, you should protect it. Get out there and do what you can to clear natural drains,” says Payne.

Restorex is a 24 hour a day seven day a week operation that is available should you have an issue.


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