Preparation is key for winter driving

With winter conditions settling in Saskatchewan, difficult driving conditions have been present in the province over the past few weeks.

In the event of poor winter road conditions, motorists should have a plan in place before heading outside.

Christine Niemcyzk from CAA Saskatchewan says preparation is very important for drivers. “A lot of things have to be taken into consideration, such as reducing our speed, driving with caution and allowing for extra time to reach our destination, make sure we increase the distance between our vehicle and the one that is in front of us.”

The Highway Hotline is a very important resource for drivers before they head out on the highway, Niemcyzk adds.

Black ice is a problem that could appear out of nowhere for motorists. Black ice is created during below freezing temperatures caused by moisture freezing  that can go unnoticed by drivers.

Adjustments need to be made by drivers when they encounter black ice says Niemcyzk. “If the asphalt looks shiny and black instead of grey or white, be cautious, reduce your speed without braking, so be alert, be observant, even looking at the other traffic on the highway or on the road.”

The accumulation of snow along with ice can present difficult circumstances for motorists when travelling on hills. Niemcyzk says there are different things to consider when driving uphill as well as downhill. “Start accelerating at the base to build enough momentum to get to the top, that’s going uphill, going downhill use a lower gear rather than the brakes to slow down and when you do brake press down gently to maintain a slow steady pace.”

Installing winter tires to help their vehicles deal with the winter road conditions is something that motorists should consider if they haven’t done so already according to Niemcyzk.

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