Wicked winter weather starts off workweek

The Monday blues will be met with cold temperatures for residents in Regina and much of southern Saskatchewan.

Environment Canada is forecasting highs to be the minus teens early this week, with lows in the low minus twenties, with windchill in the ’30s to start the workweek.

Meteorologist with Environment Canada, Dave Carlsen, said the trend would last a couple of days.

“What we are going to be looking at is a little bit of a cooling trend for a couple of days. There’s a pretty cold dome of arctic air sitting over the northern prairies, and that is going to move into the area..”

Carlsen said it’s not all bad news, though.

The good news about this is that it’s not going to last, so we are going to have a cold Monday and a cold Tuesday, but by Wednesday, it looks like we are going to be warming up to about mid-minutes single digits, so back towards normal and being slightly above. A cold beginning to the work week, but then after that, it looks like it’s not going to be not too bad.”

Heading even further into the workweek, that trend will continue.

“It looks like for the late work week and next weekend. Temperatures are going to be fairly mild for this time for the year, in the single minus digits, southern Saskatchewan this time of year you can’t do much better than that really.”

Carlsen adds that there will be a risk of frostbite and that people should bundle if they are heading outdoors.

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