Regina Police share winter driving tips

Winter returns every year in Saskatchewan, and on November 11, the snow returned to Regina and much of southern and central Saskatchewan.

Regina Police say between November 10 and 11, there were 11 collisions to report, none with injuries.

However police are offering several tips to adjust to winter driving.

Remember the posted speed limit shows a maximum under ideal conditions.

Snow, ice and poor visibility may be ideal for polar bears, but not for human operators of motor vehicles.

RPS released the following tips.

Make the adjustments and enhance your success on your commute:

– If you haven’t done this already, get winter tires on your vehicle. (If your winter tires are already on your vehicle, give yourself a pat on the back!)

– If you leave your vehicle while it’s running and warming up, don’t leave keys in the ignition with doors unlocked. If you must, use a spare key to start your vehicle and then lock it. Vehicle thefts, including yours, can go up if you don’t.

– Use a scraper and brush to clear snow and ice off all windows, mirrors and your license plate. Make sure you can see and be seen. The “marshmallow on wheels” look is so 2020.

– Give yourself extra time to get to your destination. This adjustment starts at your alarm clock, or maybe even your bedtime the night before. Don’t expect your winter commute to take the same amount of time as your summer drive.

– Once you’re on the road, slow down for the existing conditions. Make sure you have proper stopping distance. Expect intersections to be slippery. And, be aware of the traffic around you; try to give everyone a little more space, courtesy and patience.

– If you’re a pedestrian on our winter streets, no sudden moves, please! Recognize that drivers need more time and distance to come to a stop. Cross at crosswalks; no mid-block scaling of snow-windrows, please.

– If you are making plans for a longer journey check the highway conditions, either online Check Highway Road Conditions (Highway Hotline) | Saskatchewan Highways | Government of Saskatchewan or by calling 1-888-335-7623. Pay attention to weather forecasts and don’t head out if you can avoid travel in poor weather. If you must go: wear warm clothing, pack emergency essentials, call ahead, have your cellphone charged, and drive with caution.

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