If you’ve also been trying to up your protein and you’re a sucker for dips – here is the perfect recipe for you! Shout out to Ryder’s ex for hooking me up with this recipe and included the Nutrition Facts! Pro tip: if you want even MORE protein in this dish you can also add some plain greek yogurt! Check it out:
Calories – 147
Total Fat – 6g
Total Carbs – 2.9g
Protein – 20.3g
1 cup of low fat cottage cheese
6oz. shredded chicken
1/4 cup franks hot sauce (I used the franks buffalo wing sauce which most likely has more calories/fat)
2 tbsp ranch powder (the ranch powder is found in bags near the bags of gravy powder at the grocery store)
1/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
Blend the cottage cheese, ranch powder and franks hot sauce. Add chicken and cheese. Serve warm with taco chips or celery sticks (we used pretzel thins and it was great!)
We warmed it up in the microwave but oven or small crock pot works great too! Enjoy!!!