A Wakaw woman is facing charges of theft and fraud from people’s bank accounts.
Brenda Venne, 63, was charged after a 16-month investigation by the Saskatoon RCMP’s General Investigation Section.
Conexus Credit Union released a statement Thursday, saying they sincerely regret this happened and they have worked diligently with investigators and also those people impacted have been contacted, informed and made whole.
“Members can take comfort and have confidence this is an isolated incident linked to one former employee,” the statement reads. “We are here to reassure you, our members, that your hard-earned funds and assets are safe. We are constantly improving and evolving safeguards and best practices to do all that can be done to prevent these sorts of unfortunate incidents.”
Police say the majority of the victims were seniors, and that some of the victims died during the course of the investigation.
Venne will appear in Wakaw provincial court June 14th.