Bella Thompson is bravely waiting for an organ transplant

A bright and shining little girl from Swift Current Saskatchewan is currently waiting for a life changing phone call.

Bella Thompson and her family have spent a great deal of time waiting, bravely,  for a bowel transplant, which would be the first of it’s kind in Canada. A transplant Bella has been waiting to receive for close to two years.

“We reached a point in 2020 where we were told Bella’s bowels could no longer function without the need for daily IV fluids. After many surgeries we found that Bella’s vascular access was down to just one vessel, which means receiving an IV would be nearly impossible.” Shares Bella’s Mom Kyla.

Bella Thompson has faced medical challenges incomprehensible for most, born with three rare health conditions, 8 year old Bella has had 23 surgeries and spent over 800 days in hospital. Having undergone a bone marrow transplant at just one year old for severe combined imundifficiency  – Bella’s mother Kyla Thompson say’s the family is no stranger to what it means to be an organ recipient.

In a typical transplant of the kind Bella needs, a child with a working immune system has a 60 to 80% success rate. Bella’s rate of success is 30-50% given the fact that she has had a previous transplant. Her medical team is confident that the procedure will work well for Bella – but it is a race against time.

“As a parent this is difficult, you hold so much more knowledge about what’s about to happen. Knowing that another child has to pass away for my child’s life to be saved with new organs. If you are a parent with a child and a tragedy happens, you can have some sense of relief knowing that your child’s organs can save another. There is healing that can come from that. Bella understands her situation say’s Kyla.

She is aware that the transplant is necessary –  she understands what it will mean to receive a transplant – and how strongly that will impact her life. The family is reliant on Bella’s last vascular access to keep working so she still has an opportunity to receive a transplant.

For families like the Thompson’s organ and tissue donation is so very important, and it comes down to more than just a sticker on a driver’s license.

“There are so many unique situations for kids and adults who need organs to save their lives. Register, have that card on you, but make sure you also share with your friends and family that you want to be a donor as sometimes that little card is hard to find in an emergency situation”.

Bella has become a beacon for hope and strength for millions around the world. Amassing a following on Tiktok with 4.7 million followers and hundreds of millions of views. Bella’s mom Kyla says using the platform has risen awareness of the need for organ donors – and of kids like Bella.

“Our online presence from when we went viral and maintained that large audience, I am just so happy we have the ability to share information that is so needed on our platforms. It’s been great in a sense that it makes it top of mind for people. We can’t really search for a donor, but we can make people work with foundations that have helped us, and bring the importance of organ donation to an audience with our personal story.”

The Bella Brave initiative was created by Kyla to help drive support for all of Bella’s medical needs. Thompson says the foundation has helped Bella have the confidence to move through her medical life.

“I’m so appreciative of everyone who has shared Bella Brave content and buys our merchandise. We are excited to be working with lots of hospitals and foundations to raise money for these places who support organ donation and need support for other medical families.”

You can support Bella and the Bella- Brave initiatives by visiting


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