2021 was a busy year for Regina Crime Stoppers

Based on the key indicators over the past year, Regina Crime Stoppers continues to have a strong impact in supporting the public safely.

Last year Regina Crime Stoppers received tips that led to 52 arrests and 154 charges which was an increase of 225% and 266% respectively.

Inspector Shawn Fenwick says the work done by Constable Rob Haroldson was one of the reasons for the increase. “Crime Stoppers Coordinator Constable Haroldson did a bit of an internal audit, in terms of how we’re doing business and I think he has created some efficiencies that just lead to better closure on some of those tips that are coming.”

In 2021, Regina Crime Stoppers awarded 41 tip payments amounting to $8,345. Crime Stoppers benefits from its anonymous nature according to Fenwick. “The part about being anonymous is best handled through the Crime Stoppers protocol and the application that we’re utilizing right now.”

Other statistics from Crime Stoppers includes that $96,600 of property was recovered from tips received by Regina Crime Stoppers, $5,400 of drugs were seized along with $173,060 worth of property and drugs recovered.

There are a variety of crimes reported to Crime Stoppers as Fenwick explains. “Really it’s right across the whole gamut of what we do, I can think of tips that were paid out in relation to assaults, robberies, drugs, as well several property type of offences.”

One of the initiatives for the upcoming year for Regina Crime Stoppers is to continue outreach programming aimed for school children along with new Canadians.

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