Public comment sought on managing flood control in the Souris River basin


The International Joint Commission is inviting public comment on managing water supply and flood control in the Souris River basin.

Comments on a new report will be accepted from today through November 15th, and at a November 3rd virtual public hearing on the internet.

The recommendations being considered include modifying the winter drawdown elevation water targets to build greater flexibility into reservoir operations.

Other proposals include extending the winter drawdown date from February 1st to March 1st for improved environmental benefits in February, and lower the spring maximum flow limits to reduce flood peaks and farmland flood risk during small to moderate floods in riverine reaches in North Dakota.

Other recommendations include setting up a summer operating plan for better management of summer reservoir operations and shift the apportionment rule from the Calendar year to a water year, November to October, to ensure flood protection releases are credited to apportionment.

The International Joint Commission was set up to help resolve cross-border water issues between Canada and the U.S.


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