Premier Moe continues encouraging unvaccinated to get their COVID-19 shots

While it’s encouraged, the provincial government will not be forcing anyone to get their vaccination shot.

As of Tuesday, just under 677,200 residents in the province have received both doses of the vaccination.

Premier Scott Moe says the government haven’t discussed making the vaccine mandatory. “No, it’s not something that the government have discussed up to this point, but most certainly I would encourage every individual in the province to look at the data that we’re providing, looking at how effective vaccines are and please make your decision and I hope that decision is one that you find a vaccine as soon as possible.”

He noted on Monday that 93 percent of the positive COVID cases were not fully vaccinated as a solid reason for someone to get their shot if they haven’t done so already. The premier added that the stats prove that the vaccine is crucial in the fight against CO-VID 19 “Vaccines are effective, vaccines are working. They will work for everyone that chooses to go out and avail themselves to a vaccine that are readily available in the province and that is ultimately what is going to keep people from contracting CO-VID.”

Moe added that he’s expected to make some announcements with further guidance on dealing with COVID sometime next week.

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