Provincial funding for schools to help with pandemic impacts

The provincial government has developed a one-year Interim Provincial Education Plan to support schools as we emerge from the pandemic. Education Minister Dustin Duncan says school divisions will receive nearly $21-million in additional funding for the fall.

The three priorities are additional reading supports for Grades 1 to 5 students, supportive learning opportunities for students whose education may have been impacted by the pandemic, and mental health supports for students and staff as they return from a challenging year. School divisions and participating First Nations education authorities will build their own plans which meet the unique needs of their students and schools.

In more detail:

-Additional reading supports for grade 1 to 5 students. Reading data will be collected from students in grades 1 to 5. This will allow educational professionals to create specialized reading plans where needed to meet students at their individual skill levels.

-Supportive learning opportunities for students whose education may have been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. High school students will be able to obtain credits through a variety of educational avenues, such as classes offered out of grade order, special project credits and online classes.

-Mental health supports for students and staff as they return from a challenging year. This includes nearly $600,000, provided in the 2021-22 Budget, to support initiatives related to bullying prevention and promotion of positive mental health and student safety. It also encompasses nearly $500,000 committed by the Government of Saskatchewan for Mental Health First Aid training to school divisions.


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