Saskatchewan NDP calls for COVID-19 vaccination requirements for large events

Meara Conway and Aleana Young want to see residents enjoy large events safely this summer such as Saskatchewan Roughriders games at Mosaic Stadium.

On Wednesday, the Regina NDP MLAs called on the Saskatchewan government to establish a system where proof of vaccination is required for people attending these types of events.

Conway, the MLA for Elphinstone-Centre, said there’s always a balance to be struck between public health and personal privacy when dealing with this matter.

“We believe that requiring those folks, who can be vaccinated, to be vaccinated at these huge stadium events strikes the right balance,” suggested Conway. “They have figured it out in Manitoba with similar privacy legislation. We can figure it out here.”

Conway added she’s not sure what it would look like, but said there are a variety of options based on what’s happening in other jurisdictions. In Manitoba, for example, residents can request either a digital or physical immunization card to show they are fully vaccinated when attending public venues.

Young said privacy is important, but it’s about protecting the people around you.

“For the premier to say they can’t ask people to say whether or not they have been vaccinated when they go to a mass event potentially unmasked, right at the point where we are able to put the pandemic to bed, at best it doesn’t make any sense and at worst it is wildly irresponsible,” stated Young.

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