COVID-19 hospitalizations continue falling in Saskatchewan

Monday’s COVID-19 update from the Saskatchewan government has some more optimistic news.

The province says 108 people are in hospital which is the lowest umber we have seen since November 28. Of that 108, 25 people are receiving intensive care including eight in Regina.

There are 113 new cases and one new death to report.  The person who died was aged 80 plus and from the Saskatoon zone.

Daily COVID-19 map for May 31, 2021

The new cases are located in the following zones: Far North West, 6; North West, 10; North Central, 9; North East, 1; Saskatoon, 24; Central East, 8; Regina, 24; South West, 5; South Central, 15; and South East, 9.  109 of the 113 cases have a variant of concern attached to them

Cases infected with a variant of concern (VoC), as of May 31, 2021

Zone VoCs Detected
by Screening
VoCs Sequenced
B.1.1.7 UK B.1.351 SA P.1 Brazilian B.1.617 Indian
Far North West 243 126 124 2
Far North East 46 5 5
North West 607 287 196 91
North Central 471 138 122 9 5 2
North East 58 38 37 1
Saskatoon 1,695 698 668 1 18 11
Central West 109 80 75 1  4
Central East 594 317 316 1
Regina 4,646 2,634 2,621 1 12
South West 373 231 210 21
South Central 750 529 527 2
South East 1,074 605 603  1 1
Pending 66 25 25
Totals 10,732 5,713 5,529 10 144 30

The seven-day average of new cases is now at 138.

On the vaccination front, 8.039 doses were delivered Sunday.

Status of Population Vaccinations, as of May 30, 2021
Group Estimated
First Dose
Fully Vaccinated
Age 80+ 51,307 46,455 (91%) 31,667 (62%)
Age 70-79 79,818 70,735 (89%) 14,535 (18%)
Age 60-69 138,471 115,212 (83%) 7,884 (6%)
Age 50-59 147,466 106,115 (72%) 8,775 (6%)
Age 40-49 151,896 98,891 (65%) 7,525 (5%)
Age 30-39 183,246 97,829 (53%) 7,406 (4%)
Age 18-29 189,909 83,632 (44%) 5,314 (3%)
Age 12-17 90,987 23,490 (26%) 109 (0%)

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