Another good news, bad news day when it comes to COVID-19 in Saskatchewan

Two more people have died in Saskatchewan as a result of complications from COVID-19.

The province says one person was from the Saskatoon zone and was in their 70’s while the other was aged 80 plus and from the Northwest zone.  This brings the provincial death count to 536.

COVID-19 Deaths by Age Group

As of May 28, 2021
Age Group 19 and under 20 to 39 40 to 59 60 to 79 80+ Total
COVID-19 Deaths 2 20 62 199 253 536

There are 122 new cases to tell you about which combined with 131 recoveries puts the active case count at 1,371. 32 of those cases have a variant of concern attached to them.

The new cases are located in the following zones: Far North West, 4; Far North Central, 1; North West, 6; North Central, 12; North East, 2; Saskatoon, 38; Central East, 16; Regina, 21; South West, 1; South Central, 11; and South East, 5.

Cases infected with a variant of concern (VoC), as of May 28, 2021

Zone VoCs Detected
by Screening
VoCs Sequenced
B.1.1.7 UK B.1.351 SA P.1 Brazilian B.1.617 Indian
Far North West 237 126 124 2
Far North East 37 5 5
North West 583 287 196 91
North Central 419 138 122 9 5 2
North East 56 38 37 1
Saskatoon 1,595 698 668 1 18 11
Central West 109 80 75 1  4
Central East 571 316 315 1
Regina 4,603 2,634 2,621 1 11
South West 356 231 210 21
South Central 722 529 527 2
South East 1,048 605 603 1
Pending 63 26 26
Totals 10,399 5,713 5,529 10 144 30

There is also some good news when it comes to hospitalizations.  There are 113 people requiring care right now which is the lowest number the province has seen since November 28, 2020.  Of the 113 people in hospital, 26 are in intensive care.

Daily COVID-19 map for May 28, 2021.

The seven-day daily average now stands at 129 or 10.6 new cases per 100,000 population.

On the vaccine front, 14,351 doses were delivered on Thursday.

Status of Population Vaccinations, as of May 26, 2021
First Dose
Fully Vaccinated
51,307 46,127 (90%) 24,918 (49%)
79,818 70,506 (88%) 8,190 (10%)
138,471 114,891 (83%) 7,257 (5%)
147,466 105,317 (71%) 8,318 (6%)
151,896 97,582 (64%) 7,049 (5%)
183,246 95,417 (52%) 6,934 (4%)
189,909 77,793 (41%) 4,972 (3%)
90,987 18,201 (20%) 84 (0%)


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