Sask Cattlemen welcome improvements to agristability support plan

The Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association says removing the reference margin for agristability is good news for livestock producers.

Arnold Balicki from Shellbrook is Chair of the Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association.

He says Agri-Stability changes announced last week will benefit cow-cow producers.

He is a little disappointed there was no consensus to move the compensation rate from 70 to 80 percent.

He remains hopeful the compensation rate remains on the radar of the ministers of Agriculture and may be changed in the future.

Balicki says removing the reference margin limit retroactive to 2020 is very important.

He says in areas like the northwest where there was a lot of flooding and in the south where there was drought producers had to buy their own livestock feed, which can be costly..

When it comes to feedlots, there was no change on the program cap and he felt that area needs revision because the 3 million dollar cap is too low for large feedlots.

Balicki says the two month signup extension to June 30th will give producers and their accountants additional time to review the situation.


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