Regina Public School Division moving to virtual learning until January

Regina Public Schools will be switching to virtual learning until at least January.

The move is being made effective Dec. 14 and will be in effect for all grades across the public school system.

Students are scheduled to return to in-person learning on Jan. 11, a week after school resumes from the holiday break.

According to a letter to parents, the move is being made as a proactive measure to stop the spread of COVID-19.

The school division also made the following statistics available:

  • 63 student and 26 staff COVID-19 positive cases.
  • 39 (out of 57) schools affected.
  • 56 classrooms closed.
  • 8 elementary schools closed, 1 collegiate closed.
  • More than 8,422 employee absence days so far this year, (24% more than at this point in a typical
  • More than 1,100 employee absence days due to quarantine leave.
  • Chronic shortfall of replacement staff due to more employee absences and a reduced pool of
    available substitute staff.
  • Growing anxiety and other mental health challenges to all employees and students

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