COVID-19 cases rising in SK schools, but Shahab is happy with how first half of year has gone

More and more schools are starting to be affected by COVID-19, but there is no plan at this time to start the Christmas break early or extend it.

Provincial chief medical health officer Dr. Saqib Shahab says he is in constant contact with both school divisions and the education ministry.

He says despite the challenges the divisions are adapting.

“Overall, most schools are coming out with a single case and in many cases, the acquisition is not in the school, but not in the community. “Shahab said.” Most high schools are now at Level 3 (students attending on alternate days) and some have gone to remote education only, but that is just for operational reasons. At the moment, the plan is to have a regular two-week break.”

Shahab made the statement at the same time as the province announced 848 active cases amongst kids up to 19 on Thursday.

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